Re: [Vala] How to properly define struct in manually written VAPI?

From: "marcin saepia net" <marcin saepia net>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 16:08
Subject: Re: [Vala] How to properly define struct in manually written VAPI?

thank you for suggestions. I'll try to implement them.

But should I keep it as struct or rather compact class?

As a struct.

A compact class in Vala is used to bind a set of function calls
that operate on a struct, the struct being the instance data.
For a compact class Vala will automatically generate the first parameter
of the function call to be a struct of the right type to pass the 
instance data.

Regarding json-glib: I intentionally try to avoid it. I was able to make
segfault even with a few simple attempts that should be tested in properly
written library, I don't need mapping for GObject properties, and I think I
encountered also some issues with big integers, I don't remember now. In my
use case more low level, better-tested library will a be better choice.

json-glib is perfectly stable for the uses I'm putting it to. I remember it
took a while to get used to the API. Here's an example that prints out a
JSON array in JSON. The format is:
{ "script" : [] }
It is in Genie, so meaningful whitespace and types are after identifiers:

def print_script( script:Json.Node )
    print "about to create JSON generator"
    var test = new Json.Generator
    test.set_pretty( true )
    print "about to create root node"
    var root = new Json.Node( Json.NodeType.OBJECT )
    print "about to create script object"
    var script_object = new Json.Object
    print "about to set script member"
    script_object.set_member( "script", script )
    print "about to add script object to root node"
    root.set_object( script_object )
    print "about to set root"
    test.set_root( root )
    print "about to print JSON"

    print test.to_data( out length )



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