Re: [Vala] Writing VAPI: How to call struct member?

Binding it as a [Compact] Class rather than Struct is probably what you're
looking for:


2016-08-08 5:49 GMT-07:00 marcin saepia net <marcin saepia net>:


I am writing VAPI to the Java Native Interface.

I have there JavaVM struct.

In my function I get pointer to one.

I would like to call its member function, like this:


When I define my VAPI in such way

  [CCode (cname = "JavaVM")]
  public struct JavaVM {
    [CCode (cname = "GetEnv")]
    public int get_env(out unowned Env env, Version version);

I am getting C Code

GetEnv(vm, param1, param2)

instead of

(*vm)->GetEnv(param1, param2)

How can I write VAPI to achieve the second result in the C code?

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