Re: [Vala] Issues will vala and pulse vapi

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 9:54 PM, Evan Nemerson <evan coeus-group com> wrote:

That's not quite right; the VAPI shouldn't indicate that a *type* is
"unmanaged"…  it's up to your code to indicate whether an instance is
unowned.  However, the question is really what the proper way to
destroy an instance is.

In order to determine how to destroy a struct which doesn't specify a
destroy_function CCode attribute, Vala will look at the members.  If
none of the members require destroy or free functions, then Vala can
assume that simply releasing the memory associated with the struct
itself (i.e., calling g_free on heap-allocated instances, or simply
allowing stack-allocated instances to go out of scope) is sufficient.

Hum. Sourceinfo (and SinkInfo) should not be freed at all, the C APIs
that retrieve them give you const pointers.

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