[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Libgee 0.18.0 - GObject collection library

We are very pleased to announce version 0.18.0 of Libgee, the GObject  
collection library.

Libgee 0.18.0 is now available for download at:

Also please note that now Libgee has its own mailing-list
and its own #gee IRC channel.

New in 0.18.0
  * No changes since previous release

Libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and  
classes for commonly used data structures.

Libgee provides the following interfaces:

     * Traversable
           o Iterable
                 + Collection
                       # List
                             * BidirList
                       # Set
                             * SortedSet
                                 o BidirSortedSet
                       # MultiSet
                       # Queue
                             * Deque
                 + Map
                       # SortedMap
                             * BidirSortedMap
           o Iterator
                 + BidirIterator
                       # BidirListIterator
                 + ListIterator
                       # BidirListIterator
     * MultiMap
     * Future

The ArrayList, ArrauQueue, ConcurrentLinkedList, ConcurrentSet,  
HashSet, HashMap, HashMultiSet, HashMultiMap, LinkedList,
PriorityQueue, Promise, TreeSet, TreeMap, TreeMultiSet, TreeMultiMap   
and UnrolledLinkedList classes provide a reasonable sample  
implementation of those interfaces. In addition, a set of abstract  
classes are provided to ease the implementation of new collections.

Around that, the API provide means to retrieve read-only views,   
efficient sort algorithms, simple, bi-directional or index-based  
iterators depending on the collection type.

Libgee is written in Vala and can be used like any GObject-based C   
library. It's planned to provide bindings for further languages.

The current release is backward compatible with 0.8.x, 0.10.x, 0.12.x, 
0.14.x and 0.16.x versions.

More information about Vala is available at


Maciej Piechotka

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