Re: [Vala] Base64 encode/decode

On Wed, 2015-03-11 at 18:09 -0600, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
I've used this for encode/decode strings in a GTK app, is it necessary to
call GLib.Intl.setlocale at app start?

It depends on what you want to do.  It doesn't alter the
encoding/decoding, it alters how printf (and other functions behave).

And if it is a GLIB library,  should I call setlocale to initialize it?

Not completely sure what you're asking, so a few points:

      * The application should be calling setlocale, not a library.
      * Using glib does not preclude you from having to call setlocale.
      * You should call setlocale if the C locale isn't appropriate for
        you.  It's 7 bit ASCII, so if you have an "á" somewhere then
        yes, you probably need to call it.

You might want to consider reading the setlocale(3) man page and/or
section 7.11.1 of the C11 standard (or the corresponding part of C89 or
C99—I don't have those handy, though, so I can't give you the section

El mar 10, 2015 8:14 PM, "Evan Nemerson" <evan coeus-group com> escribió:

It decodes fine.  The same thing happens when you try to print t instead
of s2.  You forgot to call setlocale:

        GLib.Intl.setlocale (GLib.LocaleCategory.ALL, "");

Or, if you're using 0.28, just GLib.Intl.setlocale(); will work.

On Tue, 2015-03-10 at 16:43 -0600, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
I would like to know how Vala Base64 encode/decode UTF-8 strings.

If my string have no special characters, Base64 encode/decode works

But if it has a character like "á" it fails to decode, well when try to
cast to string fails.


public class App : Object
    public static void main ()
        var app = new App ();
        var t = "á";
        var s = GLib.Base64.encode (;
        var s2 = GLib.Base64.decode (s);
        GLib.message ("TEXT: "+(string)s2);

Text printed is:

 ** Message: string.vala:10: TEXT: ?

Expected message should be:

** Message: string.vala:10: TEXT: á

Please help me.

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