Re: [Vala] Generic implementation

Yes, I've done that, but it doesn't particularly help - what is done
depends on the implementation of the boxed duplication function used for
the generic implementation, and I have no idea where that's defined.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Felipe de Andrade Neves Lavratti <
felipelav gmail com> wrote:

Not really answering, but you could always run vala with -C to access the
generated C code. There you could get tge result of the conversion.

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On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:13 AM, Andy Lees <andrewl oz gmail com> wrote:


If I define a generic array implementation for type T that contains an
array of type T[], there is a requirement for anything > 4 bytes in size
be boxed. That suggests that some separate storage is created for the
boxed types, is that so? And if so is each element of the array as
appended separately allocated, or is a block allocation done as the T[]
array is extended?


Andrew Lees
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