Re: [Vala] not null 'this' in constructors

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Виталий Кирсанов <krokoziabla gmail com>

Hello list.

Is 'this' always null in constructors? The following code produces a
run-time error:

public class Foo
        assert( this != null );

What error are you getting? "this" is /not/ null inside constructors...
That would
be weird :)

As is, this code does not compile because there's no "static main method"
(which is OK).

If I add a trivial main function (outsize the class) in which I instantiate
I get that the constructor is not public; so access is restricted (which is
also OK).

None of this errors is saying that "this" is null. For example, this works:

public class Foo
        assert(this != null);

*    static int main()    {        var f = new Foo();        return 0;    }*

(Also a version with the main method outside the class but the constructor
made public should work).

Is there a way to get the true value of this in the constructor? I guess,
probably not. As far as I understand references in vala are somewhat
similar to shared_ptr<> pointers in C++ and vala classes to
enable_shared_from_this<> C++ subclasses. If the reasons are also similar,
it would be sad.

But probably vala gives a solution to this?

BR, Vitaly Kirsanov
skype: vkirsan
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