Re: [Vala] This is a bug or part of my ignorance?


This code compiles and runs just fine for me. Test your code on another
machine as your system-libraries might be corrupted.

The only library call in the generated ccode is g_type_init
(at least when you forget to pass --target-glib to valac).
Compile the following code with
"gcc test.c `pkg-config gobject-2.0 --cflags --libs` -o test"
and see if the violation is still happening:

#include <glib-object.h>

int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
        g_type_init ();

If it does, reinstall glib. You can also check where the error is
happening exactly using gdb.


On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 03:52:52AM -0200, Flavio Danesse wrote:
public static int main (string[] args) {
    int x = 0;
    return 0;

 2014-03-08 3:34 GMT-02:00 Nor Jaidi Tuah <norjaidi tuah ubd edu bn>:

 On Sat, 2014-03-08 at 00:10 -0200, Flavio Danesse wrote:
int x = 0;
x += 1;
Violation segment (`core 'generated)

int x = 0;
x ++;
Violation segment (`core 'generated)

int x = 0;
x = x + 1;

I don't think you will get useful answers
unless you provide more context.

Those statements by themselves are harmless.
But if, say, they are executed within the
context of an object that is already
freed, then... boom, you get a core.

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