Re: [Vala] trying vapi file for ngspice

sorry got a typo, the first vapi i have here is:

public VectorInfo get_vector_info(string

Steven Vanden Branden schreef op Tue 24-06-2014 om 17:48 [+0200]:
thanks a lot,
it working afther some tweaking and testing.

but i got another question:

i would like to get the vector info struct working with this function:


[CCode (cname = "ngGet_Vec_Info")]
                public unowned VectorInfo
get_vector_info(string                                                vector_name);


pvector_info ngGet_Vec_Info(char* vecname);


[CCode (cname = "vector_info", has_destroy_function = false,
has_copy_function = false, has_type_id = false)]
public struct VectorInfo {
                [CCode (cname = "v_name")]
                public unowned string name;
                [CCode (cname = "v_type")]              
                public int type;
                [CCode (cname = "v_flags")]             
                public short flags;
                [CCode (cname = "v_realdata",array_length = false)]
                public double[] data;
                [CCode (cname = "v_compdata",array_length = false)]  
                public NgComplex data_complex;
                [CCode (cname = "v_length")]
                public int length;


typedef struct vector_info {
    char *v_name;               
    int v_type;                 
    short v_flags;              
    double *v_realdata;         
    ngcomplex_t *v_compdata;    
    int v_length;
} vector_info, *pvector_info;


but it gives my an errors on the number of parameters that is not
It seems i need to connect to v_length parameter to the data, because
this is a vector of that length.

Any clues how to fix this or where to find info?

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