Re: [Vala] Change in 0.23.1 for array ownership and .length parameter

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Tal Hadad <tal_hd hotmail com> wrote:

That would be a memory leak.
No it wouldn't:
If the "if" statement is false, then it should delete it in the end of the

You might afraid the complicity of valac calculation.
That could be resolved - using two C variables - one for owned and one for
The owned always deleted at the end of the block, the trick is that this C
variable is
set to null when transferring ownership.

If an owned "bar" was defined outside the block, I already said you're
right and it
should be null in when outside the block(e.g. class field), since there's
no way to
automate this safely.

I know it may add a minor complicity, but it just seems rational to use an
object with
"unowned" access after transferring it to something else, since passing
privilege doesn't means forgetting a reference.

Ok now this makes sense, but it's not worth in my opinion. I've never
encountered such a use case personally.

I suppose that most Vala programmer solve this(including me) problem by
this variable in different unowned variable, but this is not
intuitive(especially for a
new language) and may raise many bugs.

I don't think so, I never had such a use case.

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