Re: [Vala] [Genie] Growing the community (Al Thomas)

Hello Al!!

Sorry, the code of Katamiro is on gitorious now, GNU GPL.

Now I'm trying to write SDL2.0 vapi for Vala and Genie. With the help of Tarnyko maybe we can port it to 
Android /IOs...
See it on gitorius to:

I have many other proyects on Genie like the traslation by python/cairo to genie/SDL of katamotz Ejercicios 
and Katamotz Numbers. See them on gitorius.

Sadly the community is small enought, dont know how can we grow it, may be increasing tutorials and examples 
will be the first work. I dont see vala's wiki very attractive and for Genie there is not a single place for 
this, is allways in the back of vala, the language dont have a singular place and is not explained on 
different languages(spanish, french, chinesse..).

What can we do?


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