[Vala] Bountysource of a Vala project


I'm starting a crowdfunding of a project to be done in Vala languaje. It's
a Git client, based on libgit2, because there's no good GUI client on
Linux, and Windows clients suck (with svn this not happens).

As I want to work on it fulltime (2h per day is not enough) I've started to
ask for money to survive while I develop this project (nobody wants to be a
freelance web developer :P).

It is called GiTrance, and i would love to release it with a GPL v3 under
the signature of Devtrance, a still not existing foundation which wants to
develop software to the Yorba way.

This is the URL of the Fundraiser:

I also accept all type of suggestions, like the way to develop, the
rewards, etc. I'll love you if you help me to pay my bills helping the rest
of developers with an amazing Git client, or spreading the word!

Thank you

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