Re: [Vala] Recursive foreaching


I've tried something like that (In fact I've began to code a turn based
game... ehm... well ok... I'll explain in the future)

It's my first attempt in vala :

Really perfectible but  it's fun.

I'll try to clean up my code and use vala's best practices later (or if
someone want to have a look ;))



I have a tree of nodes, something like this in pseudocode:
class Node
  ArrayList kidnodes
  Node parent

So - each node has kids and a parent.

I find myself wanting to foreach over the tree from code that is not
within a Node.

Right now, I'm doing this kind of thing:

class Node
   public void walk( somelist)
     foreach(kid in kidnodes)
       somelist.add (kid) //visit.
       walk( somelist )

Then, in some other object:
var list = somelist
//now i can foreach through "list"

Is there some way I can do:

somenode = rootnode; //say
foreach( node in somenode)

so that it visits the nodes like walk does?

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