[Vala] Customized Cell for List

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a customized object to represent a list of objects.
Since now, I have followed some different methods and none of them has
brought me to the solution.

First, I have created a Gtk.Fixed with some Gtk.Labels inside: then, when I
have to represent the list, the code clones the Fixed many times as
necessary. But, this led me to a problem: each time the Fixed is cloned,
any callback that is connected to the first fixed, is disconnected and
re-connected to the just created one.

Then, I have created a Gtk.TreeView to try some customizations on its cell:
I did not manage to get big changes, but only few customizations,
completely useless to me. How can I customize more a Cell?

Is there a better way to implement this?
Thank you very much,

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