[Vala] Looking for mirrors for ValaWinPKG, OSX maintainer

Hi folks, I permit myself to ask for contributions on the list, for 2 concerns : * As some of you may know, I am maintaining Win32 builds of Vala. To support development on this platform, I also provide a software named "ValaWinPKG" (http://www.tarnyko.net/?q=node/6) which pulls libraries from a central repository. The repository is growing, just added GStreamer (http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/37) and WebKitGTK3 will come soon. However, it begins to pull some constraints on my bandwidth, plus having only one repo is not good for redundancy. So for this purpose, if someone has a web server with ~500Mb to share for a good cause, he is more than welcome to get in touch in me. If so, I'm likely to update ValaWinPKG and add his repo to the default list.
* I also recently made an OSX bundle (http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/36).
I plan to port ValaWinPKG to OSX, and so to create an OSX equivalent of the Win32 repo. However, I don't have the time to do it myself. So if someone is interested, and wanting to maintain such packages (which includes running testcases, pushing fixes upstream, etc), we'll discuss that, and I'll eventually start the port.


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