[Vala] suppressing the "never used" warning on a method-by-method basis, at least for libraries

I'm writing some code which i'm testing piecemeal.

So that means that i have a class, with several methods, but
in any one program i may not call all the methods.

Although the code seems to work, i do get "never used"
warnings for all the methods i never use (in that program).

This happens even if i compile the code into a library.

Note that i can disable all warnings with --disable-warnings,
but that is disabling too much.

I would really like to disable only the never used warnings
(and i'd like to do it on a method-by-method basis, because,
after all, the "never used" warning is very useful).

Here's a sort of minimal example, to be put in a file called NotUsed.vala:

   // Compile with:
   // valac --library=lib NotUsed.vala -X -fPIC -X -shared -o lib.so

   class NotUsed {
     public uint method() {return 0;}

I'm using valac version 0.16.1 on ElementaryOS (so probably
very nearly what you'd expect on Ubuntu 12.04).

Thanks in advance for any info, including references to
a FAQ or a man page or something online if this is a frequently
asked question.  (And thanks to the creators, maintainers,
and documenters of vala!)


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