Re: [Vala] delegates in vala

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013, at 01:49 PM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
    MyDel del;
    del = randValue > 50 ? program.PrintLow : program.PrintHigh;

However this gives me a compile error:

delegate.vala:21.32-21.47: error: Assignment: Cannot convert from
`Program.PrintLow' to `Program.PrintLow'
        del = randValue < 50 ? program.PrintLow : program.PrintHigh;
delegate.vala:21.51-21.67: error: Assignment: Cannot convert from
`Program.PrintHigh' to `Program.PrintHigh'
        del = randValue < 50 ? program.PrintLow : program.PrintHigh;
delegate.vala:21.15-21.28: error: Incompatible expressions
        del = randValue < 50 ? program.PrintLow : program.PrintHigh;
Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
This works:

    (randValue < 50)?  del = Program.PrintLow: del = Program.PrintHigh;

Although I would like to understand better why the former does not.


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