Re: [Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Libgee 0.13.4 - GObject collection library

Dropping gnome-announce to BCC. I believes it gets moderated anyway but
at least moderator will get less notifications.

On Mon, 2013-12-16 at 21:37 -0600, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
I can see this version is incremental (point release like) over 0.8,
and packaged as 0.8.

Could you add that information in order to others know that 0.10, 0.12
and upcomming 0.14 will be API/ABI compatible with 0.8 series?

As I can see you've take care about API and more importantly ABI, at C
level, stability on 0.8 to 0.12. Could you point that in your release

This is a very good idea. Probably it should be done a long time ago.

I've updated libgee wiki page for now (anyone: please feel free to
change the wording - it's something I wrote in 5 minutes to get the
information on page) and I will try to put the information in future
releases notes.

I think this is very importantly in order to know Libgee stability and
avoid fear about depend on this library, contrary with other Vala
libraries like Personas, that may be don't know how to maintain API
and ABI stability across different Vala versions.

May is very important to add your recommendations on API/ABI stability
on Vala wiki, or link from Libgee wiki.

I've started a series of blog posts[1] for the ABI stability in Vala[1]
and I hope that I'll finish part II soon (I should have a bit of time
before EOY to do Vala-related stuff so it's at least possible) and
eventually put on wiki.

I'm trying to fix a bug on GXml/Serialization and want to use Libgee
to avoid most iteration/containers/collection bugs.

Yes - the more libgee will be used the more bugs will be discovered, the
more bugs will be fixed and the less bugs will be in libgee. I'd love to
push it 'everywhere' for that reason.

Many thanks.

Maciej Piechotka


2013/12/16 Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2 gmail com>
        We are very pleased to announce version 0.13.0 of Libgee, the
        collection library.
        Libgee 0.13.4 is now available for download at:
        Also please note that now Libgee has its own mailing-list
        and its own #gee IRC channel.
        New in 0.13.4
          * The collection cloning no longer leaks memory
          * Various warning fixes
          * Various fixes to build system
        Libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based
        interfaces and
        classes for commonly used data structures.
        Libgee provides the following interfaces:
             * Traversable
                   o Iterable
                         + Collection
                               # List
                                     * BidirList
                               # Set
                                     * SortedSet
                                         o BidirSortedSet
                               # MultiSet
                               # Queue
                                     * Deque
                         + Map
                               # SortedMap
                                     * BidirSortedMap
                   o Iterator
                         + BidirIterator
                               # BidirListIterator
                         + ListIterator
                               # BidirListIterator
             * MultiMap
             * Future
        The ArrayList, ArrauQueue, ConcurrentLinkedList,
        HashSet, HashMap, HashMultiSet, HashMultiMap, LinkedList,
        PriorityQueue, Promise, TreeSet, TreeMap, TreeMultiSet, and
        classes provide a reasonable sample implementation of those
        In addition, a set of abstract classes are provided to ease
        the implementation of new collections.
        Around that, the API provide means to retrieve read-only
        efficient sort algorithms, simple, bi-directional or
        index-based mutable
        iterators depending on the collection type.
        Libgee is written in Vala and can be used like any
        GObject-based C
        library. It's planned to provide bindings for further
        More information about Vala is available at
        Maciej Marcin Piechotka
        libgee-list mailing list
        libgee-list gnome org

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