Re: [Vala] .gir and .metadata file warnings and errors

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Evan Nemerson <evan coeus-group com> wrote:
You can still do this step as part of your build process—you don't need
to include the generated VAPI in your repository.  If you're worried
about the user updating WebKit between Geary compilations while there is
a VAPI in the build directory, that shouldn't really be an issue since
build systems don't usually detect changes in C header files, so people
already know to make clean in those situations.

I'm not worried about that. Last time I checked vapigen was an optional component when configuring the Vala build, so my thought was not to require it be installed to build our tarball. I suspect most distros enable it, and if the user is installing Vala from tarball or git, it's not so much to ask them to go back and install it if they haven't already.

Of course, in a perfect world WebKit would ship a VAPI themselves, but
I'm through tilting at that particular windmill.

I hear you.

Or you could do what I suggested and just generate a VAPI, and ignore
(or disable) warnings during vapigen.  Your compilation times will
usually be lower and you will have a nice easy-to-read definition of the
API you're trying to use.

Let me look into this and get back to you (rather, the list) if I hit another snag. If this truly works around the problem, then that's the best result I could ask for.

-- Jim

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