Re: [Vala] How to assign to construct-only property?

InflateGZip inherits from Gsf.InputGZip, but an error occurred.

gsf-decompress.vala:6.9-6.20: error: chain up to `' not

if uncomment Object(raw: true),

gsf-decompress.vala:6.9-6.20: error: Multiple constructor calls in the same
constructor are not permitted

Is there no way to set construct-only property in Vala ?

class InflateGZip : Gsf.InputGZip
    public InflateGZip(Gsf.Input source)
        //Object(raw: true);

void main (string[] args)
    var stream = new InflateGZip (input);

2012/11/21 Hodong Kim <cogniti gmail com>


I want to set "raw" property in Gsf.InputGZip.
Should I inherit Gsf.InputGZip ?


void main (string[] args)
    Gsf.InfileMSOle olefile;

    string filename = args[1];

    try   {
        var file = new Gsf.InputStdio (filename);
        olefile  = new Gsf.InfileMSOle (file);
    catch {
        stderr.printf ("%s is not a OLE file\n", filename);

    var input = olefile.child_by_name("DocInfo");

    // HERE, How to assign to construct-only property?
    var stream = new Gsf.InputGZip(input);


    public bool raw { construct set; get; }
    "raw"    gboolean    : Read / Write / Construct Only
    Whether to read compressed data with no header and no trailer.
    Default value: FALSE

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