[Vala] global mouse pos / multitouch

Hi all,

I'm having a hard time finding out how to get the global mouse position in vala.

Using Gtk, I was only able to get the coordinates inside a shown window.
To use Xcb, I seem to be missing the knowledge about the required members.
And using X11 bindings, I fail at the point, where I try to declare X.WindowAttributes, which I'd need to 
pass as a reference.

Trying this..

X.Display display = new X.Display();
X.WindowAttributes windowAttributes;
display.get_window_attributes(display.default_root_window(), out windowAttributes);

.. the compiler (v0.17) says:
mouse_position.vala.c:(.text+0x12e): undefined reference to `window_attributes_destroy'

Ideally I'd use a library to receive many mouse positions at a time. I believe there should be a way as Gnome 
2.30.2 already supports 2-finger scrolling. If not, my hope is that I'll be flooded with events for each 
finger. If I'm not totally wrong, uTouch would require a newer Gtk, so I can't use it.

Thanks a bunch for any hint.

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