Re: [Vala] How to use GLib.Signal.connect?

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Pete Fotheringham <
pete fotheringham codethink co uk> wrote:

I am working with Vala and GtkOSXApplication on Mac OS. I am using Vala
0.12 because I need to use dbus-glib and, as I understand it, this is not
supported by versions of Vala beyond 0.12.1

I need to connect to a Mac Specific mac-specific NSApplicationOpenFile
signal, which is generated by GtkOSXApplication.

If I use the line


the name of the signal is changed in the generated c code to
"ns_application_open_file", and when the code is run the following error is

GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2206: signal
`ns-application-open-file' is invalid for instance `0x1401d020'

So I try to connect using

Signal.connect(osxApp, "NSApplicationOpenFile", this.open_file_callback,

and the Vala compiler generates an error

error: Cannot create delegate without target for instance method or
Signal.connect(osxApp, "NSApplicationOpenFile", this.open_file_callback,

Can anyone give me an example of how to use Signal.connect() or suggest an
alternative method?

Cast (Callback)this.open_file_callback

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