Re: [Vala] Access Clutter Script Actor in Event handler

Thanks Tom,

I'll do that if I have to, but I don't like it. I can't help but feel that
there should be a way to pass user data without doing the connection in
code. They accomplish it in the Clutter Cookbook in C using a gpointer for
the ui param. I really don't want to have to retrieve every object I define
and hook up their handlers in code. But again, thanks for showing me a way
of getting it done.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 5:06 AM, tomw <tomw ubilix com> wrote:


if you want to pass user data to a signal handler you should connect the
signal in the code rather than by the script. The vala code may look
like this:

using Clutter;
using GLib;

public bool button_press (Actor actor, Script ui) {
  stdout.printf("button press event");
   Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)ui.get_object ("rectangle");

  return true;

public bool key_pressed (KeyEvent event) {
       stdout.printf ("Key pressed : %d \n", event.hardware_keycode);
       Clutter.main_quit ();

       return true;


int main (string[] args) {

 //Stage stage = Stage.get_default();
 string filename = "gui_test.json";

 if (Clutter.init(ref args) != Clutter.InitError.SUCCESS) {
    stdout.printf("Error Initializing Clutter");
    return 1;

 Script ui = new Script();
 uint merge_id = ui.load_from_file (filename);
 if (merge_id == 0)
      stdout.printf("%s", "Error Loading ClutterScript");
      return 1;

  //ui.connect_signals (null);

 Stage stage = (Stage)ui.get_object ("stage");
  stage.button_press_event.connect (() => {button_press (stage, ui);
return true;});
 stage.key_press_event.connect (key_pressed);
 return 0;

and the json-file (slightly simpler) like this:

   "id" : "stage",
   "type" : "ClutterStage",
   "width" : 300,
   "height" : 300,
   "color" : "#335",
   "signals" : [
       { "name" : "hide", "handler" : "clutter_main_quit" }
   "children" : [
               "id" : "rectangle",
               "type" : "ClutterRectangle",
               "width" : 200,
               "height" : 200,
               "x" : 50,
               "y" : 50,
               "color" : "#a90",
               "rotation-center-z-gravity" : "center",
               "reactive" : true


On Mi, 2012-01-25 at 16:55 -0500, Brian Duffy wrote:
using Clutter;
using GLib;

bool button_press (ButtonEvent event, Script ui) {   // wrong
   stdout.printf("%s", "button press event");
   Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)ui.get_object ("rectangle");  // this
   return true;

int main (string[] args) {

  //Stage stage = Stage.get_default();
  string filename = "gui_test.json";

  if (Clutter.init(ref args) != Clutter.InitError.SUCCESS) {
    stdout.printf("%s", "Error Initializing Clutter");
    return 1;

  Script ui = new Script();
  uint merge_id = ui.load_from_file (filename);
  if (merge_id == 0)
       stdout.printf("%s", "Error Loading ClutterScript");
       return 1;

  ui.connect_signals (ui);

  Stage stage = (Stage)ui.get_object ("stage");
  /* make the objects in the script available to all signals
   * by passing the script as the second argument
   * to clutter_script_connect_signals()



  return 0;


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