[Vala] VAPIGEN error parsing GIR

In my C code, I have a typedef that just creates an alias for another,
existing GLib type:

typedef GNode MylibMytype;

This is a placeholder for a type I may expand on in later development, but
for now, GNode does the trick.

This is handled just fine by g-ir-scanner and is converted into the
following in the GIR:

    <alias name="Mytype" c:type="MylibMytype">
      <type name="GLib.Node" c:type="GNode"/>

When I run vapigen on this GIR, I get the following error:

Mylib-0.1.gir:20.37-20.37: error: too few type arguments
      <type name="GLib.Node" c:type="GNode"/>
Generation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The carrot actual points at the opening quote on "GNode"

I tried google to find a solution. I found one prior query on this list:
but no responses.

Can anyone help with this?

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