Re: [Vala] Array as generic type not allowed? Can't ArrayList<string[]>

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Just Fill Bugs <mozbugbox yahoo com au>wrote:

I tried to create a list of string[] but it's not allowed on vala version

using Gee;
void main() {
    var strings_list = new ArrayList<string[]>();

error: `string[]' is not a supported generic type argument, use `?' to box
value types

And adding "?" still give the same error.

Should generic support array as a type? Is it a bug?

It's not a bug, it's intentionally not supported as said by the compiler.
You can either create a class to encapsulate your array, or use other data
structures such as GLib.GenericArray or Gee.ArrayList and so on.

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