Hello devs, Please help me.I have this code to get a json text from a server, when I put the url in the web browser I get the Json OK. But in this code I get NULL at response_body.data and length = 0.
Please what I do wrong???? // valac --pkg libsoup-2.4 using Soup; void main () { var session = new Soup.SessionAsync ();var message = new Soup.Message ("GET", "http://localhost:5800/get_json_list");
session.send_message (message); message.response_headers.foreach ((name, val) => { stdout.printf ("Name: %s -> Value: %s\n", name, val); }); stdout.printf ("Message length: %lld\n%s\n", message.response_body.length, message.response_body.data); } ********server code: // valac --pkg libsoup-2.4 --thread public class http_server { private Soup.Server server; private string server_name; private int server_port;public http_server(string n = "localhost", int p = 5800, string shared = "/tmp", string theme = "default"){
this.server_port = p; this.server_name = n; try{this.server = new Soup.Server (Soup.SERVER_PORT, this.server_port);
server.add_handler ("/", default_handler);string server_full_url = "http://" + this.server_name + ":" + this.server_port.to_string() + "/";
print("Iniciando servidor-> %s\n",server_full_url); this.server.run (); }catch (Error e) { warning ("Error %s\n", e.message); } }public void default_handler (Soup.Server server, Soup.Message msg, string path, GLib.HashTable? query, Soup.ClientContext client){
string response_text = """{ "pepe" : 35, "parents": ["f" : "maria", "m" : "pepe"] }""";msg.set_response ("application/json", Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, response_text.data);
} } void main(){ var a = new http_server(); new MainLoop ().run (); }
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