[Vala] Bindings for Function with xmlNodePtr argument

I found a function I need to create bindings to:

gda_set_new_from_spec_node (xmlNodePtr xml_spec, GError **error)

But I have a problem. xmlNodePtr doesn't exist in libxml2-2.0 Vala bindings,
they use Xml.Node* (I think to refer to a pointer to a xmlNode - hope I
don't miss on this).

What do I need to write on metadata to tell VAPIGEN to sustitud xml.NodePtr
and use Xml.Node*?

I've tried:

set.from_spec_node.xml_spec type="Xml.Node*"

But fails because doesn't find "Xml" namespace.

Then try:

set.from_spec_node.xml_spec type="xml.Node*"

It declare as follows:

public Set.from_spec_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] xml.Node* xml_spec)
throws GLib.Error;

but now valac fails to find "xml" name space it spect "Xml", I can change it
manually but I think this must be automatic sustituted "xml" with "Xml"

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