Re: [Vala] Bug with Gtk3 and structs

Not sure if it completely solves your problem, but you cant put the -1 in
the *set* call, Vala does that for you automatically. For instance, take a
look at the C code:

gtk_list_store_set (model, &_tmp3_, 0, &_tmp4_, -1, -1);

It has the -1 two times. So just use:

model.set(iter, 0, mystruct);

For *get* as well. Hope it helps.

*Alexandre Rosenfeld*

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 14:40, Andrew Higginson <at higginson gmail com>wrote:

Hi, when I compile this code:

(Which generates this C code):

Instead of the code retrieving the struct I put into the GtkListStore,
and printing "The ID", it prints out gibberish like:

Why is this happening? Is it a problem with GTK3 or Vala?



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