[Vala] Trouble filling a char array in a struct

I have a struct in C looking something like this:

  typedef struct f f;
  typedef struct b b;

  struct b
  { char name[12];

  struct f
  {  b bar;

The vapi looks like this:

  [CCode (cname = "f")]
  public struct Foo
    [CCode (cname = "bar")]
    public unowned Bar Bar;

  [CCode (cname = "b")]
  public struct Bar
    [CCode (cname = "name")]
    public unowned char Name[12];

Pre Vala 0.13.2 I had code like this:

  var foo = Foo();
  Memory.copy(foo.Bar.Name, "foobar", 12);

This worked fine, as can be seen in the generated C:

  f foo = {0};
  memset (&foo, 0, sizeof (f));
  memcpy (foo.bar.name, "foobar", (gsize) 12);

(aren't the {0} and the memset() doing the same thing?)

However, since 0.13.2 it generates the following C:

  f foo = {0};
  f _tmp0_;
  b _tmp1_;
  memset (&foo, 0, sizeof (f));
  _tmp0_ = foo;
  _tmp1_ = _tmp0_.bar;
  memcpy (_tmp1_.name, "foobar", (gsize) 12);

This copies the struct and copies the character array into the
copy, and then the copy is discarded. So it has no effect. And a
lot of copying doesn't seem to efficient either.

I tried a variant but this fails as well:

  var foo = Foo();
  var bar = Bar();
  Memory.copy(bar.Name, "foobar", 12);
  foo.Bar = bar;

A for-loop setting every byte does work, but it seems quite
inefficient to do it like that...

Any good solutions?


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