Re: [Vala] how to pass a List by reference?

(Now mailing the whole list, not just Abderrahim Kitouni.)

On Friday, October 14, 2011 12:16 PM, "Abderrahim Kitouni"
<a kitouni gmail com> wrote:

The above compiles without problems for me (valac 0.14.0). This error
probably means that you are trying to use this variable from a lambda

Another solution is to use libgee: libgee's lists are objects and
don't need any special treatment (just pass them normally and you can
call list.add with no problems)

As I told in a previous email, I come from a Python background,
and never wrote anything in C+GLib. When I learned Vala, I used
Libgee first, and only then I found out about GLib's lists,
sequences and so on.

Could anyone please tell me which are the coincidences and differences
in the GLib and Libgee, and which are the pros and cons of each?

Thanks in advance,

Leonardo Fontenelle
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle
Médico de família e comunidade · CRM-ES 9744

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