Re: [Vala] Incorrect C generated with union containing anonymous struct

On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 00:10 +0200, Jan-Jaap van der Geer wrote:
(Excuses if this appears twice, but after waiting half an hour my
first attempt still hasn't appeared...)

I have the following struct:

typedef union foobar foobar;

union foobar
   {  struct
      {  char *bar;

This is represented in the vapi like this:

[CCode (cheader_filename = "struct.h")]
namespace StructTest
  [CCode (cname = "foo")]
  public struct Foo
    [CCode (cname = "bar")]
    public unowned string bar;

  [CCode (cname = "foobar")]
  public struct Foobar
    [CCode (cname = "foo")]
    public unowned Foo foo;

There are basically two ways to do this... what you usually see in vapis
is something like this:

public struct Foobar {
  [CCode (cname = "")]
  public unowned string foo_bar;

The other option, which I haven't tested in a while but used to work
well enough, is something like:

[CCode (cname = "struct { char *bar; }")]
public struct Foo {
  public unowned string bar;

public struct Foobar {
  public Foo foo;

I use it like this:

    var fbar = Foobar();
    Memory.copy (, "tralala", 10);

In Vala 0.13.1 this worked fine and the following code was

    foobar fbar = {0};
    memset (&fbar, 0, sizeof (foobar));
    memcpy (, "tralala", (gsize) 10);

However, in version 0.13.2 and beyond the following code is

    foobar fbar = {0};
    foobar _tmp0_;
    foo _tmp1_;
    const gchar* _tmp2_;
    memset (&fbar, 0, sizeof (foobar));
    _tmp0_ = fbar;
    _tmp1_ =;
    _tmp2_ =;
    memcpy (_tmp2_, "tralala", (gsize) 10);

This fails since foo, the variable of _tmp1_ is undefined in C. I
could of course remove the [CCode (cname = "foo")] in the vapi but
that only changes the name to something else that is not known.

Is this a bug? Is there a workaround? Note that the C-code is
beyond my control, so workarounds involving changing the definition
of the struct in C will most probably not work...

No, it's not a bug. The fact that it used to work was a bit of a
fluke... there are situations where it never did (such as assigning to a variable).


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