Re: [Vala] Vala : Suggestion for improvement : String Class wrapper for strings in Vala : Addendum


على 21 يون, 2011 م 07:18, كتب Serge Hulne:

   string a = "hello";
   string * b = a;

and :

    string a = "hello";
    unowned string  b = a;

appear to be translated by Vala into the exact same C code.

Are these two ways to declare the same thing or is this just a bug which
happens to work perchance ?

Not exactly the same thing, but the difference is relatively subtle: unowned means that the variable doesn't "own" the reference, that is, it doesn't need to be freed when the variable goes out of scope; a pointer, however, means that vala doesn't do the memory management at all, it's the *programmer's* responsibility to free the reference (or not) before the variable goes out of scope (using the delete statement).

For example, with
        unowned string b = a.dup ();
the compiler will report an error, while with
        string* b = a.dup ();
it won't, and you need to explicitly
        delete b;
after you're done with it.

Generally, if you're optimizing your program to reduce copying, it's better to use an unowned reference rather than a pointer.


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