[Vala] EOF problems

I am trying to read a file char by char but I can't find where or how I can check if end of line (EOF) was found. I'm writing a simple parser for a project but I can't seem to find in the online api doc of gio or glib how to check for it. I saw that I can do it using posix, but I would rather use gio.

The code I'm working with

////// CODE ///////////////////////

namespace FsXml
    public class Main
        public static int main(string[] args)
            stdout.printf("trying to find file %s\n", args[1]);
            var f = File.new_for_path(args[1]);

                stderr.printf("File does not exist\n");
                return 1;

                var dis = new GLib.DataInputStream(f.read());
                uchar p;

                    p = dis.read_byte();
                    stdout.printf("%c %d\n", p, p);
                stdout.printf("End of file\n");
            catch(IOError e)
                stderr.printf("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
                return 2;
            catch(Error e)
                stderr.printf("Error: %s\n", e.message);
                return 2;

            return 0;

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