Re: [Vala] A few newbie's questions

Regarding question 1:

Check the next source code:

There you can see a line like these:
public const Gst.PluginDesc gst_plugin_desc = {

That's what you are missing in your gstreamer plugin.

Regarding question 2:

Use the method FileStream.gets which corresponds to fgets.
public unowned string FileStream.gets (char[] s);

From the man page of fgets:
       gets() reads a line from stdin into the buffer pointed to  by  s  until
       either  a  terminating newline or EOF, which it replaces with '\0'.  No
       check for buffer overrun is performed (see BUGS below).

- Sandino

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Giulio Paci <giuliopaci gmail com> wrote:
Hi to all!
   A few days ago I discovered vala and decided to give it a try, as it
seems to have almost all the features that I wanted (C code generation,
non-object oriented code allowed, easy utf-8 string manipulation, regexp
support, glib integration, easy access to database, fine tuning support).
I already tested all these features and they are working quite fine.
Yesterday I also created a binding to libstemmer and it was very easy.

Anyway I faced a couple of issues that I was not able to solve:

1) I tried to create a gstreamer plugin following the Gstreamer Plugin
Writer's Guide
I was able to create the plugin, but I was not able to create it using
vala alone, because I was not able to insert in the generated C output
this code:

#include <glib.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
     "My filter plugin",

At last I decided it was not a big issue to put this code in a C file,
but is there any way to directly inject C code in vala?

2) I tried to read a file, one line at time, using the FileStream
object, but I was not able to get the desired result with the current
API, because I needed the whole line (EOL inclusive), while read_line()
removes it. The work around of adding a new line to each line does not
allow to know if the last character of the file was a new line or not.
Is there any way to (easily) read a file including the EOL character?

Thank you very much for your help and work.
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