Re: [Vala] Vala and side by side execution

On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Luca Bruno <lethalman88 gmail com> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Carl <name is carl gmail com> wrote:

To the point I'm no sure which vapi files I run :)
So I can't have 0.13.1 and 0.13.3 running by side by side because the two
releases share the same vapi files.

Same api version is not meant to be parallel installable, only e.g. 0.12 (=
0.11) and 0.14 (= 0.13).

Is it a constraint due the Linux packaging system ?
So far the use cases for side by side installation are :
   - checking for regression testing between releases
   - doing benchmarking
   - simply evaluating an update
   - developing the new release while not messing with the system

As you may know, on a windows box, the user can choose to install the
application wherever she wants.
So by choosing to install vala 0.13.1 in "c:\program files\vala\0.13.1"
(god, how  'Program Files' is a lame choice of words) and vala 0.13.3 in
"C:\Prog...\vala\0.13.3" you end up with a messed up 0.13.1 release !

For a windows user, side by side execution is more or less expected :
different installation folders, different flavors of your program. And
everything is supposed to work (but sometimes, a little pray can help) :)

(I don't know about OSX)

1) Are the vapi meant to be located in a user related folder ? They didn't
strike me as being configuration, nor personal to the user. Am I missing
something ?

They are meant to be located in system wide folders.

As all compilation resources on Linux ?

2) Couldn't we enable side by side execution for minor releases (for
example, by naming the vapi folder "vala-0.13.3" instead of "vala-0-14",
by having it in the application folder, not shared in the user folder) ?
What do you think about it ?

What's the reason?

Well, as stated above, the benefits are easing up
testing/benchmarking/release qualification...

And it's a nice feature :)
Nice for testers, for developers and for end-users (who ends up being
developers too :).

Well, the purpose of my message was just a reflexion on how to offer the
best user experience for vala.
Doing tests, I noted this issue with the current windows installation and
wanted to get some feedback from you guys.
I know that I want this problem dealt with for my next release of vala for
windows, and I was wondering how things were done on other platforms.


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