[Vala] Delegate function: error with readline


I'm playing with the readline binding and the GLib mainloop:
using GLib;

static MainLoop loop;

void parse_line (string? line_read) {
        if (line_read == null) {
                Readline.callback_handler_remove ();
                loop.quit ();
        stdout.printf (@"$line_read\n");

bool io_read_event (IOChannel source, IOCondition cond)
        if (cond == IOCondition.IN) {
                return true;
        warning ("io_read_event unable to handle IOCondition than IOCondition.IN");
        return false;

void main () {
        loop = new MainLoop ();
        var io_stdin = new IOChannel.unix_new (stdin.fileno());
        io_stdin.add_watch (IOCondition.IN, io_read_event);

        Readline.VcpFunc func = parse_line;
        Readline.callback_handler_install ("-> ", func);

        loop.run ();
        stdout.printf ("\nGoodbye!\n");

I have a problem using the delegate VcpFunc.
With the correction of the bug 656146 (thanks to Luca):

user localhost:/tmp$ valac main.vala --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg readline -X -lreadline
/tmp/main.vala.c: In function ‘_vala_main’:
/tmp/main.vala.c:102:2: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
error: cc exited with status 256
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Replacing the lines:
    Readline.VcpFunc func = parse_line;
    Readline.callback_handler_install ("-> ", func);
    Readline.callback_handler_install ("-> ", parse_line);
works fine.

Did I misunderstand delegation or is there a bug here?


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