Re: [Vala] Vala GIO sample remark

Okay, thanks for the response.

Now it's clear. And yes I get

"Equality operation: `null' and `GLib.List<GLib.FileInfo>' are

error while compiling with --enable-experimental-non-null.

On Fri, 2010-05-14 at 17:34 +0200, Jan Hudec wrote:

On Thu, May 13, 2010 16:06, Alexander Semenov wrote:
I'm looking at Vala GIO samples here:

Don't you think that null-check like

var files = yield e.next_files_async (10, Priority.DEFAULT, null);
if (files == null) {

is redundant in "Asynchronous File Listing"

No, because null is how empty list is implemented.

example since the
"next_files_async" method signature is:

public virtual async List<FileInfo> next_files_async (int num_files, int
io_priority, Cancellable? cancellable)

Non-nullable GLib.List makes no sense, because that would mean it may
never be empty.

GLib.List is somewhat tricky, because it does not represent the collection
as a whole, but rather an iterator to it and the collection does not have
any representation as a whole at all. So to represent nothing, null is all
that is left.

? Actually when --enable-experimental-non-null option is used it will
not compile - the return value isn't nullable and cannot be compared to

Than that's a bug in the vapi.

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