Re: [Vala] string manipulation question

Am 01.05.2010 23:15, Charles Hixson wrote:
Is there a better way to do this?

You should use a 'join' method to make the intentions of your code clear and
to prepare for code reuse:

string htmlCardItemSeparated(string itemName, ArrayList<string> itemList,
                             string separator = ", ")
        return itemList.is_empty ? "" :
               @"<tr><td>$itemName</td><td>$(join(itemList, separator))</td></tr>\n";

A 'join' method is most efficiently implemented with a StringBuilder:

string join(Iterable<string> strings, string separator = ", ") {
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        var it = strings.iterator();
        for (var has_next = it.first(); has_next; has_next = {
                if (it.has_next()) {
        return builder.str;

Alternatively you could use 'string.joinv', but then you would have to convert
your list into a null-terminated array first.

Best regards,


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