[Vala] A problem in writing some ValaIde plugin..

*I hope this explanation will be more clear to you:*
I have two problems:
*1.* I did downloaded the latest SVN version of the code and put the source
code of the plugin that Nicolas wrote.
   Everything compiles without any errors, but  when I'm trying to start the
program it give me an error:

*valide: symbol lookup error:

*terminal/libterminal.so: undefined symbol: vte_terminal_new*

*2.* The second error is with the code of the plugin that Nicolas wrote, it
doesn't compiles when the last function looks like that:

public Type register_plugin (void* user_data) throws PluginError

but it does compiles when I remove the "throws PluginError" part.

I hope this time I have explained my self more clearly...

*To Ildar:*  You have wrote me: "You need to add -lvte to the LD_ADD or
corresponding construct."
                Can you please be more specific, I'm really new to all this.


On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Ildar Mulyukov <
ildar users sourceforge net> wrote:


On 30.03.2010 14:15:53, Arkadi Viner wrote:

valide: symbol lookup error:
/usr/local/lib/valide/plugins/terminal/libterminal.so: undefined symbol:

 sounds like underlinked library. You need to add -lvte to the LD_ADD or
corresponding construct.

Best regards,
Ildar  Mulyukov,  free SW designer/programmer
email: ildar users sourceforge net
home: http://tuganger.narod.ru/
ALT Linux Sisyphus

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