[Vala] ValaSwig 0.1

Today I have released valaswig 0.1

Check the source at:


ValaSwig is a tool written in Vala that translates vapi files into swig .i interfaces.

These interfaces can then be used to generate bindings for python, perl, ruby and lua.

The thing is that for ruby you need swig from svn and for other languages already supported by swig it needs 
some testing and fixups. Help is welcome :)

This tool has been written to help radare2 be used and use scripting languages and simplify the binding 
process to simply maintain few hand-crafted capi files.

Valaswig also supports vapi files generated by the vala compiler. So it permits the binding for vala and C 

It doesnt yet supports all features of Vala. Classes, structs, enums, destructors, iterators, some generics, 
multiple named constructors, static methods are working but there are still things to improve and implement.

Whats missing actually is contractual programming, exceptions, and other.

If you want to check radare2 valaswig bindings check the hg repository of r2 here: you will need swig, vala, 
valaswig and python-dev f.example.

I would like to thanks Nibble and Sebastian Reichel for their help on this release.

The debian package has been already submitted and waits for aproval.

Feel free to give me comments, feedback,..


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