Re: [Vala] Manual VAPI writing

On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 19:17 +0100, Harry Van Haaren wrote:
Hey all,

Hi Harry,

I'm attempting to learn how to write .vapi files manually. I've looked
the Jack binding, the GTK+ binding and the sfml bindings.

Yet im stumped as to how to write a wrapper for the dead-simple function
(declared in a file called bindMe.h):

*int add (int a, int b)
     return (a + b);

In my attempt I've tried the following:

*[CCode (cheader_filename="bindMe.h")]
namespace Math
    public class AddStuff
        public AddStuff();

        [CCode (cname="add")]
        public static int add (int a, int b);

if your intent is to bind ad use the add function your binding it's
quite right, but can be simpler:

[CCode (cheader_filename="bindMe.h")]
namespace Math
        [CCode (cname="add")]
        public static int add (int a, int b);

as you can see in Vala you don't need any class and you can declare a
static method even in a namespace. You can even omit the static since is
implicit, but I usually keep it.

And to see if the binding worked had a .vala file (test.vala) which contains
the following:
*int main()
    var func = new Math.AddStuff();
    return 0;

This is wrong, or I haven't really understand what are you trying to

Here it is what I think you want to do:

public static int main()
    var func = Math.add(1,2);
    return 0;

Hope somebody can help me learn how to write bindings,I'm eyeing up some
nice audio libraries.. ;-)  -Harry

Hope this helps.


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