Re: [Vala] Closure problem in Gtk.AccelGroup

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 11:21:14AM -0700, jezra lickter wrote:
basing my work on the documentation found at
I am trying to connect an acclegroup to a Closure
AccelGroup accel = new AccelGroup();
accel.connect('q', Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK,
      ()=> { 
      } );

When I compile my application, I get the following error in regards to
the closure
"error: lambda expression not allowed in this context"

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or point me to a
working example of using AccelGroup.connect()?

Good point. You can't. There's no binding for Closure/CClosure currently.

I'd suggest to add "new Closure.for_callback (owned CCallback callback);"
Defining a new CCallback like Callback but with has_target=true (apparently
inconsistent in glib). The ClosureNotify can be gracefully casted to
DestroyNotify. Evan?

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