[Vala] Improvements to Vala GIR parser

Hi everyone,

I was playing around with using Vala's GIR format parser in combination
with the GIRepository library today, and I found that Vala's GIR parser
couldn't handle the GIR formatting used by gobject-introspection 0.9.2.

Assuming that I got my Git-fu correct, you'll find the following two
patches behind this email:

  [PATCH 1/2] Add support for additional gobject-instrospection base types
  [PATCH 2/2] Map GIRepository "record" type to Class instead of Struct

with which (and some experimental gobject-introspection libraries), you
can compile and run the following program:

valac --pkg GIRepository-2.0 test.vala

int main(string[] args)
        var repo = GIRepository.IRepository.get_default();
        GIRepository.Typelib typelib;

        try {
                typelib = repo.require("Gtk", "3.0", 0);
        } catch (Error e) {
                stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message);
                return 1;

        string ns = typelib.get_namespace();
        stdout.printf("Typelib Namespace: %s\n", ns);

        return 0;

Calvin Walton

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