Re: [Vala] Genie, subclassing and some help!

On 02/07/10 18:25, Andrew wrote:
On 30/06/10 14:41, Harry Van Haaren wrote:
Aha, fully understand the problem now at least. Do you have one of these
"appIndicator" dock things in your panel?  The following document [1] seems
to say that they might re-design/ change some things in how the docks work.

I'm running LXDE, (no fancy AppIndicator dock I dont think...).

What I suggest is that your compile using valac --save-temps  (provides
C output files),
check that against the documentation of LibAppIndicator.

I have no experience with LibAppIndicator and hence can't really help
you much there.

If it turns out that it should work, please send me sources and I can
try it on my LXDE.

PS: There was/is quite some controversy about libappindicator, see [2].
I'm not sure
if this helps dev-s to write documentation & test cases... I havent
found any. Getting in
touch with the authors or LibAppIndicator might be a good idea.. ? Up to


    Sure, the window popus (which is correct), however the application
    indicator does not appear.

Okay, so I spoke to the authors of appindicator and they couldn't work
it out, a bit of a mystery, so instead of subclassing, I am just using a
function to create a standard Indicator.

One problem I have come up with now is more alarming, my code is as follows:


class wMain : GLib.Object

    main_window : MainWindow

        main_window = new MainWindow()

        var indicator = new
Indicator("wasiliana","applications-utilities", Category.APPLICATION_STATUS)
        indicator.set_attention_icon ("indicator-messages-new")

        var menu = new Menu()
        var show_menuitem = new CheckMenuItem.with_label("Show Wasiliana")



    Gtk.init (ref args)
    var w = new wMain()

Now unless I uncomment the //Gtk.main(), the indicator doesn't show. I
don't know what the problem is, but one of the authors said it might be
something to do with references (but I have no idea what these are)

Any help?

Don't worry got it solved, indicator was being lost (a local variable)
and so I had to bind it as a property of the class and now even
subclassing works!

Thanks everyone!


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