Sam Wilson píše v Út 19. 01. 2010 v 10:46 -0500:
Hello! My name is Sam Wilson, though I usually go by tecywiz121 online. First I'd just like to say hi to everyone who works or is interested in vala, and thanks for making a very cool new programming language! Some random background about me: I'm a software engineering student enrolled in Canada, and I am usually interested in OS development and compiler/language development. Secondly, and probably much more of interest to anyone reading this: I am not sure how many people have heard of CUSEC (Canadian University Software Engineering Conference), but its a small computer oriented conference held annually in Montreal, Quebec. The topics of presentations vary widely, some examples from last year include a practical lecture on developing using Facebook Query Language and an academic presentation on Aspect Oriented Design. (website : ) How this relates to Vala you might ask? Well, CUSEC is also plays host to a BarCamp ( website : ), which is a segment where presenters get 15 minutes to present something that they are working with or developing. I have asked for a spot to present Vala. My question is, does anyone have any suggestions on what I should present, or any interesting projects they would like demoed to university students and members of the IT industry? Thanks,Sam :)
Hello. That's really good. :) There are many things you can talk about. Among others the approach to create a fully C compatible, yet high-level language using GObject type system, or builtin support for asynchronous methods and DBus, which are all very cool. I'd suggest finding a project that makes use of those and explain how it works :) I believe that would make an impression.
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