Re: [Vala] Help with struct array

2010/1/10 Frederik <scumm_fredo gmx net>:
Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
Hello all

I'm beginning to learn Vala & Gtk. I've manage through Vala/Tutorial
upto the end of OOP chapter and couldn't handle the rest =)

Anywho I'm trying to port Webkit html5 based WYSIWYG editor[0] to
Vala. Sounds easy and fun.

I've hit a small problem. I'm failing to create a valid Array of ActionEntries.

public void add_actions (ActionEntry[] entries, void* user_data);

I'm my code I'm trying something like this:

    ActionEntry[] entries = new ActionEntry[3];
    entries =
            {name="menuFile", label="_File"},
            {name="menuEdit", label="_Edit"},
            {name="menuInsert", label="_Insert"};

    var actions = new ActionGroup("Actions");
    actions.add_entries(entries, 3);

And I'm getting an error saying that ";" is expected in the line where
I define entries for the first time.


       ActionEntry[] entries = new ActionEntry[3];
       entries = {
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuFile", label = "_File" },
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuEdit", label = "_Edit" },
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuInsert", label = "_Insert" }


       ActionEntry[] entries = {
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuFile", label = "_File" },
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuEdit", label = "_Edit" },
               ActionEntry() { name = "menuInsert", label = "_Insert" }

or, if it's a constant array (currently not allowed in method scope):

       const ActionEntry[] entries3 = {
               { "menuFile", "_File" },
               { "menuEdit", "_Edit" },
               { "menuInsert", "_Insert" }

Best regards,


Danke schon!

This actually makes sense - "casting" a struct to be ActionEntry, not
just random tuple.

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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