[Vala] Fwd: uchar and uint8. Same? Different?

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From: pancake <pancake youterm com>
Date: February 18, 2010 1:38:12 AM GMT+01:00
To: Sandino Flores Moreno <tigrux gmail com>
Subject: Re: [Vala] uchar and uint8. Same? Different?

This vapi looks wrong. Didn't [] implies a _length variable with no ccodes?

Those two types are the same in practice but not in theory. A uint8 is 8 bit size for sure, but uchar do not specifies the size.

This should depend on the C compiler and platform. I don't know any that uchar is != 8, but this doesn't means they exist.

On Feb 17, 2010, at 10:03 PM, Sandino Flores Moreno <tigrux gmail com> wrote:


I noticed that gstreamer has this declaration:

GstBuffer {
uint8 *data;

However, the corresponding .vapi has
class Gst.buffer {
uchar[] data;

I know uchar and uint8 are the same in C.
And, apparently for vala too.

So, the question is:

Can we assume uint8 is the same than uchar in vala?
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