Re: [Vala] maemo5 hildon input mode

2010/2/8 Jiří Zárevúcky <zarevucky jiri gmail com>:
Martin DeMello píše v Po 08. 02. 2010 v 22:26 +0530:
I'm trying to disable Maemo's autocapitalisation in a Gtk.Entry field.
Maemo 5 adds a "hildon-input-mode" property to Gtk.Entry [], but I
can't find any way to access it from Vala, either from a Gtk.Entry or
a Hildon.Entry.

You can try using this method:

Thanks, that worked beautifully. For anyone googling this up, the exact code is:

 var input  = new Hildon.Entry (Hildon.SizeType.AUTO);
 input.set("hildon-input-mode", Hildon.GtkInputMode.FULL);
 // refer to hildon-1.vapi for the full enum


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