Re: [Vala] Any xUnit framework for Vala?

On 28.12.2010 06:21:28, Anatol Pomozov wrote:


I am trying to add some tests to my application and I am looking for
an example of Vala application with tests.

As an Java developer I would expect that Vala has some xUnit like
framework but seems there is
nothing like this. There is also Glib Testing framework, but I cannot
find any examples for Vala as well.

There are several unit testing frameworks you can use. E.g. try to search for VUnit in this ML archive.

What is "State of the Art" Vala application with unittests? I see that
Vala project itself does some magic with, is it
preferred solution?

I can't see any "State of the Art" or "well-known" Unit testing framework for Vala around here, none of the existing is widely used.

Ildar  Mulyukov,  free SW designer/programmer
email: ildar users sourceforge net
ALT Linux Sisyphus

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