Re: [Vala] C Code Interface

         في س، 18-12-2010 عند 23:34 -0300 ، كتب Erick Pérez Castellanos:
Look at this article:
I forgot to say this, the code I need is GObject based, is exactly code from 
Gtk source Code, I'm planning to use out, there's two classes Gtk widgets 
the use internally, I'm planning to get it outside ...
Maybe you meant tl;dr ;-)

That article seems to be really useful, and being about non-gobject
libraries doesn't mean it doesn't work for gobject ones.

Anyway, if it's about only 2 classes, it's better to manually write the
vapi. You only need to write the declaration in vala syntax (you can
look at other vapis installed by vala, or read the above article)


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